Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nikkilude #4: Didn't this already happen freshman year?

Everybody in my program seems to be going out to the bars all the time. I have yet to go to one because every single day since I’ve gotten here I’ve had to wake up at 8am or earlier, I have class and we’ve had an excursion every weekend so Friday and Saturday were shot and those are my going out days. Perhaps you’re thinking, well hey, that’s still maybe 6 hours of sleep, live a little! Ok, ok, in due time. I’m still a little cracked out on sleep, and in case you forgot, sleep is right up there with eating, breathing and getting enough water (and I’m actually a real life version of sleeping beauty so I’m all about sleep). Not to mention the whole culture of going out is radically different in Argentina.

While you kiddos are cracking a beer and pouring your chasers, the Argentines are eating dinner. While you get more intoxicated, the Argentines get a little sleepier and take a nap until 12ish. While you get tired, too drunk and people start leaving the party, Argentines are just starting to show up. By the time you’re asleep, the party is just getting started. And that’s not just because of the time difference here. If you go out, you may be committing to an evening that doesn’t end until upwards of 5 to 6 in the morning. I’m a night owl, so sure, I could probably do it. But on a school night? I don’t wanna sound like a nerd, but I just don’t see how that’s gonna happen. I already wanna puke when I wake up as it is, and I know for a fact I’d be skipping class to keep sleeping. With or without drinking. I’ll let it happen once or twice, but just like college back home, I’m paying good money to do this and academics are probably my top priority of all, so skipping isn’t an option. The good news seems to be that Argentines aren’t all about binge drinking—sure they emborrarcharse, but I don’t think there’s as much puking, blacking out and crying here…They seem to be more concentrated on dancing and having a good time amongst friends, enjoying the social atmosphere of the club. The Americans, on the other hand, seem to act like loud, drunk idiots…In addition, Argentine guys (just like most other guys…) can be really gross and aggressive, so I don’t look forward to the horrible pickup lines (called piropos) and constant requests (indirect, but also direct) for sex. It’s funny, because in the US, we counteract this behavior by saying “I’m not a piece of meat!” but the Argentines are so obsessed with beef, that’s exactly what they compare you to. Literally.

On a personal note, this is basically the same problem I faced freshman year—everybody was going crazy and making friends based on going out, while I was on the opposite spectrum looking to get educated, cultured and make intimate friends. Call me a loser if you want, but I just don’t like to “party” all the time. For me, it’s usually a redundant form of entertainment and it’s just not that interesting to me night after night. I only like to party with people I know in smaller environments because I’m too bothered by how people behave at large parties. I know with alcohol you’re supposed to let go, but I don’t have very many inhibitions as it is (if you couldn’t tell by this blog). And all the inhibitions that I do hold onto when I’m drinking are things that I’m not willing to compromise on. I’m never going to be the girl that went home with some guy and doesn’t know what happened. Not only that, but this isn’t a frat party culture, so I’m not about to get totally drunk when people who live here aren’t really doing the same thing when they go out. It’s week 2, and I’m already hearing stories of people getting into cars with drunk, random Argentine guys and inviting them into their host family’s house. Nothing bad happened, but still that’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and it’s a good way to ensure that something awful does happen. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy a good inebriation session and you guys know what fun I am when I’m drunk…but I’m not about to go out with a huge group of American students. But I think I’m honing in on my going out group and we’ll see about our adventures soon…

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