Saturday, February 18, 2012

El día de los enamorados

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!!!!! Ok, well, I’m in Argentina, so not really but kind of. They do celebrate it here in that they push you to buy more flowers, some stores promote it and everybody seems to be going out to dinner—it mostly seems like an imported holiday that isn’t very important. And this is much to my chagrin because Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday of all time.

EW BUT I HATE VALENTINE’S DAY BECAUSE I’M SINGLE AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE A BOYFRIEND. VALENTINE’S DAY IS JUST AN EXCUSE FOR GREETING CARD COMPANIES TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL LIKE CRAP! Wrong. Yes, maybe because everybody seems to have a boyfriend but you on this day, you feel alone and unattractive. But that sounds like a personal problem. You have other people in your life that you love (maybe your friends and family??) so why not take time to show them you care? Alright, maybe nobody will show up at your doorstep with flowers and chocolates, but that’s what you hate about this clichéd holiday anyway, so you don’t want those to begin with. Or do you? Open your heart a little! Everybody likes to know that they’re loved and appreciated including your best friend and your grandma. So if you don’t have a boyfriend, put that effort to make or write little valentines for them. I think that’s what this day is about—creativity, thoughtfulness and love. Admittedly, I hardly put any effort into my favorite holiday this year, but I think I have a pretty good excuse and you'll be getting your postcards soon enough. Maybe it is cliché and forced, but that’s kind of what holidays are (have you SEEN Christmas lately?!). But what do I know. I’m just a flaming hopeless romantic.

The other crappy part of spending Valentine’s Day in Argentina is that the person I’m completely in love with (in addition to all my friends and family) is, oh…7000 miles away. Skype can cut this distance for 2 of the senses, but taste, touch and smell are left to hang stagnantly on each end of the conversation. And even sight and sound aren’t 100%. But I will settle for the pixelated, rebuffering you because even this is more stunning than most people I’ve ever met in real life. Distance may make the heart grow fonder, but it also makes it a crazy, hysterical thing sometimes. So happy IreallywishyouandeverybodyelseIlovewasherebecauseeventhoughit'sgettingbetterIstillreallymissyou Day.

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