Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? No—The Girl with the Fork Earrings

Friday, February 17th, 2012
Today was my first exam in my Spanish class. It wasn’t hard,but it was definitely much different than what I expected, which was a boatloadof the same sentence 50 times, but in 50 slightly different versions, which isa nightmare because then everything starts to blend together. Sometimes I hategrammar, but I didn’t mind this test which was more just to see if you werepaying attention and could write a mini-essay, which I presume I can—but Iguess we’ll see about that next week.

To reward ourselves for a long week of class, Angela and I metat the Plaza Italia station to do some shopping in Palermo SoHo. We didn’treally have any particular destination in mind—we just started walking from thesubway station.

As you may have noticed, Palermo SoHo has the “SoHo”attached—this is because it is much like the SoHo neighborhood of NYC in thatthere are lots of artsy lofts here in addition to trendy boutiques and restaurants.Thus if you’re a 20 something in Buenos Aires, Palermo SoHo is the way to go.
There were countless stores filled with interesting clothes(the kind that I wouldn’t really wear and that I haven’t seen really anybodywear…). In addition to the boutiques, there are stores where thedesigners/makers of the clothes have space to sell their stuff, so each sectionof the store features a different designer. This can make trying on clothestedious, as every time you move to a new section, you have to keep track of whoseis whose and generally when you look interested in a piece, the seller willmake you try it on then or hold it for you until you’re just trying on theirpiece so it doesn’t get lost or mixed up. I didn’t have much luck until I wasin an open-air store. I got a dress, 2 skirts and a pair of earrings for ~$33USD. YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!! They’re all handmade, adorable and presumably notof a poor quality. Plus the earrings? They are forks. No pair of earrings has ever been more Nikki...

After more walking, we saw countless graffiti masterpiecesdown the alleyways (can one of you come spraypaint my house someday!?). Therewas music and chit-chat echoing throughout the streets and in the perfectlycool but thick air, the sun began to set and I thought maybe things weren’t sobad after all. And for the rest of the night, they were practically perfect asfar as I could tell*.

*Except for Angela’s dinner. Fried cheese and a “salad”comprised of 2 sun-dried tomatoes and maybe 6 pieces of lettuce drizzled withoil. Definitely not the Mediterranean masterpiece she was expecting…

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