Sunday, March 25, 2012

Seafood? Sí, food!

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Our weekend in Rosario also included a short jaunt to the beach. Before the end of the boardwalk, I was already sweating and my plan to attempt homework on the beach was a failed one. But it seemed that by the time we arrived and sat for 20 minutes, it was already time to leave, even though it had been 3 hours…is time already going by that quickly?

We were dropped off in the city where we had just over an hour to enjoy ourselves. We attempted to find a feria, but we’d already visited the one we were nearest to and the next location was too far of a walk. But alas, we kept walking and encountered some great sights. We realized we needed to eat lunch and settled for a somewhat seedy looking place on the water. Olivia was dying for some fresh seafood and was thusly somewhat startled to see a GIGANTIC fried fillet of who knows what arrive as her milanesa de pescado. You want seafood? Well, here’s a mountain of it…

We had about 30 minutes to eat and walk back to the bus stop so we ate everything in 3 bites and ran back to our meeting place for the bus. We arrived sweating and hoping we hadn’t been left only to find that it would be an additional 20 minutes before the bus even showed up. HURRY UP AND RUN FASTER OR ELSE WE’RE GONNA MISS THE BU—it’s not here yet.

Angela and I enjoyed ourselves on the brink of exhaustion and crazy when we hit a huge traffic jam coming into the city. My iPod was dead, so we started singing, “aaaall that she wants is another bay-beh she’s gon’ tomorrow and aaaall that she wants is another bay-beh ye-ehhhhhhh” which happened to be playing on the radio blaring on the bus.

And that was our excursion to Rosario. Just enough time to say we went, but not enough time to actually say much else about it, unfortunately. Imagine a more tranquil, Parisian architecture-ized version of Buenos Aires filled with sudden parks and statues everywhere and that’s the basic idea. I wish I’d had more time…

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