Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Breakfast Lunch Club

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

Admittedly, I should have gone to the farewell brunch at Magdalena’s party for the group departing today, but I just couldn’t wake up (shocking, right?) and plus I had lunch plans with a friend, and I’d already had to reschedule. I hate rescheduling twice in a row. It just doesn’t seem right.

We met up in Plaza Italia for some lunch and I couldn’t help but notice some students from my program dressed in some obnoxious 90s clothes. I figured there must be some occasion, so I walked over to the statue where they were all dressed up, drinking whisky. They were going rollerblading in the park later (hence the get-up). I understand that most students can’t drink in their host family’s house, but in the park? Really? It looked like fun, but at the same time, I just walked away pretending I wasn’t from the US, nor did I know anybody. At least put it in a juice container…

Since I’d missed out on the brunch at Magdalena’s party, I figured, well, hey, why not lunch!? This restaurant may be the only place on earth that has “real” breakfast food, as well as borderline Mexican food and HOT SALSA. I’m not even a huge spicy food fan, but that salsa had a nice, slow burn and it tasted so good. I wolfed down my breakfast burrito, thinking of how happy I would be to eat regular breakfasts as well as burritos back in the US. The food here is great. But given that beans/burritos comprised 90% of my diet back home, I miss them a lot. There is “Mexican food” here, but not really. And for all of you who thought Argentines eat beans and rice because everybody in South America eats beans and rice—shame, shame, shame.

After we were fat and happy from a good lunch, we went browsing around Plaza Serrano. It was around this time that my boots were unbearably comfortable and I actually had felt the blister form and pop in short time. I had to find new shoes if we were going to continue our trek to find a stupid map guide for my geography class.

$100 pesos later, and I had a new pair of alpargatas. Yeah, they weren’t that cheap, but honestly I was about to buy two bags of chips and use those as shoes because I was that uncomfortable. I wish I’d been in Chinatown, because I’ve seen shoes there for $50! Sigh…

We continued up Santa Fe to find the map for my class and after visiting every book store, I came up empty handed and I’m sure Pablo was going insane looking for a book with someone that was still kind of walking like they were crippled. After 6 or so bookstores, we called it quits and exhausted, I took the Subte back, at least happy the 7 additional blocks after the Subte I could walk in my comfortable, but soon to be unbearably smelly shoes. You either get comfort or odor free—never both…

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