Saturday, March 26, 2011

Missing you

The ten hour flight went by fast. If that’s possible? I didn’t sleep one wink, but somehow the time passed along quickly. I think I spent half the flight daydreaming about things that did and didn’t happen in Korea, what I’m going to do this spring and pretending that instead of flying to LA, I was flying to Mumbai. Or any other world city on the map of my flight…

Once we landed, it was weird to say goodbye to everybody as we all headed towards our separate gates and separate lives. No more meeting up in the lobby or taking the subway together...There will always be Facebook and such, but nothing will ever compare to our interactions that we had on this trip. One of the best parts of traveling are the people you meet--the friendships being small journeys in and of themselves.

After landing safely at LAX, I realized I could switch to an earlier flight to Boise (and avoid a 5 hour layover in hell!). Once again, this led to me running around like a crazy person and sweating profusely through security. I just don’t think I can have it any other way at LAX, unfortunately. And living up to its reputation as world’s worst airport, the bathrooms looked about as nice as a bathroom located at a crack house in the projects. Oh and there’s no free wi-fi here. Has anybody told LAX that it’s 2011 and there’s no reason to have to force people to pay for wireless through a T-Mobile hotspot? That’s cruel, stupid and very unusual. I’m missing Korea already…And of course upon landing in Salt Lake, my flight to Boise wasn’t listed on the departures list and I had no idea what gate it was departing from, so again more running until I found another departures board and saw that my gate was in a terminal somewhat far away and I had 10ish minutes to get to the gate. MORE RUNNING. And sweating. I must look and smell terrible and my shirt is pretty much stuck to me after running up stairs with fifty pounds of luggage hanging off of me…then I found out that my flight was running a little bit late. Awesome. It’s great to be a traveler. I left Seoul at 3pm on Saturday and arrived in Boise at 4:30. Almost a day of traveling, and it only took an hour and a half!

And when my flight finally touched down in Boise, it felt like trading in trading in one part of the sun for another. And when it rises tomorrow, I'll start a different journey...

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