Sunday, March 20, 2011

nikki interlude: notes on Korea--culture and people

Though I am not incredibly well versed in anthropology, I am well versed enough to know that simple observations do not necessarily define a culture. However, here are some peculiar things I found interesting, funny or different.

  1. Taking pictures of Koreans could lead to a photo filled with Asians making peace signs, or to screaming. You should ask them for a picture, or just say screw it and stealthily snap a shot when they don't notice...
  2. If you let meat burn in the stovetops that are present at your table, the Koreans advise against eating it, contesting that it is cancerous.
  3. There's a BIG difference between "Sprite"and "Spri-tuh". Only one of these words will actually get you the beverage.
  4. Shoes are just under $10 and cute accessories are under $10. This is a steal in my book. However, most other things aren't that much cheaper.
  5. Shirts are one-size-fits-all and you can't try them on in stores. Only bottoms are allowed in the dressing rooms...
  6. Prices are as marked. You can try haggling, but this is somewhat of an insult to Koreans. I've tried haggling on 3 separate occasions and each time I have gotten a death glare, followed by a "No, no, no! 20,000 [won]!". It's definitely not China over here.
  7. Taking the stairs is dangerous for several reasons. One, the stairs are usually slick and the handrail is either just for show (thus you can't actually hold on to it, really) or just not there. Two, the stairs may lead you to a completely irrelevant part of the building, or part that you need a key to enter. Three, the door after the stairs probably locks behind you. Four, just take the elevator.
  8. EVERYBODY IS IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! And everybody is holding hands all the time. If you are single, there is something horribly, horribly wrong with you. 
  9. They do not make cups that hold more than 8oz. Idk how people aren't dehydrated around here, because every cup is TEENY TINY!! (Good for portion control for soda, bad for how much water I need to drink)
  10. Everybody wears hipster glasses. And everybody is fashionable as hell. And everybody is probably a size 4 or smaller. 
  11. There are no street names or addresses that are comprehensible. Yeah, you got me on that one. How people get around or explain where shit is is a mystery.
  12. Paper isn't 8.5"x11". It's narrower and taller!
  13. Nobody solicits you to buy stuff. If you don't want it, no sweat off the merchant's back. This is a nice break from China...
  14. Blonde hair and blue eyes are still mystifying. A girl started petting my hair in a store and her jaw just about fell off when she saw my blue eyes...she continued to just stare at me until I walked away. 
These silly notes are one of my favorite parts of traveling :) I find culture shock and cultural differences absolutely thrilling. And I'm sure you can all imagine me, pen in hand, jotting down these notes as I go. 

Nerdily yours,

1 comment:

  1. That chick was into you. You should have gone for it!
