Sunday, March 20, 2011

Korean Encounters of the Food Kind

Airline food is the vengeful creation of a chef whose culinary talents were never recognized, yet his business savvy swindled all the airlines of the world into serving his abominations to people as edible food. Having no other options aboard the plane, passengers complied (reluctantly). We can never truly be sure what constitutes the meals that airlines actually have the gall to serve us.

That being said, you can understand how hesitant I was about the first meal of the day. Korean airline food? (In a related side note, Chinese airline food en route to Hong Kong was so nauseating it had neurological as well as gastrointestinal effects) Could it be suicide? Starvation?...Edible?
All factors considered, the bibimpap was actually, dare I say, kind of good? A dish comprised of the mixture of assorted vegetables (mushrooms, cucumbers, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots), rice, a sprinkle of beef and a spicy red pepper paste called kochujang, it embodies the Korean idea of intricately linking color to cuisine. Neither the colors nor the taste were bland and it was the perfect introduction to a typical Korean dish. I can only imagine that if it was edible on the plane, the version in real life must be a symphony of chromatic and palatable sensations. Trying to conjure the fearless culinary spirits of wordly foodies, Anthony Bordain and Andrew Zimmern, I made a pact to myself to eat a bite of any food that makes its way onto my plate. And to photograph it all. No reservations, right?

Kimchi here I come!

P.S. Stay tuned for photos on my Facebook. I really don't think I'm going to have the time to post photos in both places.

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