Sunday, June 9, 2013

Partying with the Profs

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

The opportunity to go out to a pub with your professors doesn’t always necessarily happen that often, so when Carlos invited us out for burgers and beer, our group was more than down to get casual. While I was at first skeptical of Carbón Burger, I looked to my right and saw an advertisement for a veggie burger! Yes!! Another “eat nothing or cave” conundrum avoided. It was delicious too. I’ll be going back there soon. As an added bonus, it was only $3.50! And they don’t have French fries so I don’t have to worry about wanting them but not wanting them.

Once we stuffed our hungry little faces full of burger, we walked to El viejo minero, which is a tiny little pub with its locally produced beer, in addition to a wide variety of other drinks and spirits. I ordered la cerveza artesanal (their production) and was delighted by the taste. I didn’t really have the desire to get drunk because I knew I had to not only be awake, but ready to go by 7am. Regardless, everybody was in a sociable mood and I enjoyed hearing about Carlos’s wild adventures when he studied in Germany. Which of course involved beer…We were all getting a lot chattier, but Emma was stealing the show. She might be the only person who can get more serious than me when it comes to school work, so it was a bit of a shock to see this other side that looked like she was about ready to start dancing on her chair. This is what I love about our group—we’re all very good students and definitely earned our way on this trip with our hard work, but we’re all very sociable and up for an adventure anytime. But not in a Greek Row kind of way. These are my people. I think it’s been the first time I’ve been a part of a group and hit it off so well with everybody. To make it even better, the Juans showed up. (Not just Juan, but two! Ah that pun never gets old…).

But the best part of the night was when Megan and I came out of the bathroom and saw this funny condom poster that had all different varieties for all different personalities. They weren’t real mind you…but that didn’t stop Carlos from weighing in a bit…EPPB became relevant (Michael and Cory, I’m talking to you…) and all I could do was laugh. I might actually like going out now…

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