Sunday, April 22, 2012

This wont make sense because it's text instead of audio

These are things people say that I love to hear them say and I'm writing them down just so I don't forget. You have no idea what they sound like, therefore making this completely ineffective. Look for more later.

Angela (imitating the hot dog hawkers in Mar del Plata): "Pancho! Super Pancho!"

Björk: ¡Graciaaaaas!

Me: Yes...
Juan: No!
Me: Yes!

Toshy: Mo-nay-duhz

Tonya: Gracias, pero no gracias.

Ana: Cock-a-DOODLE-do (caps indicating stress on the 'doodle')
Tonya: You don't really need to learn that word, cause you'd never really say it.
Ana: Well, I'm going to say every day it because I like it.

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