Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lollapalooza day 2

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

I have missed all of my favorite holidays down here! April Fool’s Day is probably my 2nd favorite holiday (after Valentine’s Day) because I’m already full of crap anyways and this day is just a day where I can walk around like this: Upon typing this, I realize I am Spongebob if these are my two favorite holidays. But alas, I digress, and I guess it’s worth it to miss my silly holiday to go to Lollapalooza…

We showed up to catch Foster the People. On the plane down to BA, I read something in the surprisingly tasteful airline magazine about the band. They didn’t actually have a band formed when “Pumped up kicks” broke the scene and exploded, so they had to hurry up and figure it out then go on tour immediately. You could tell this was the case because outside of this song, they’re still trying to figure out who they are. They make a pretty good genero, happy summer day music and I think that counts for something.

Then came Band of Horses who, as the name could imply, have a bit of a country side that I didn’t know about, since I’d only heard their song “Funeral”. Ryan gave me the “I’ll let you stay for as long as you want, but if it’s more than 10 minutes, we might have a problem” face and I kind of agreed with him. It’s not that I thought they were bad, but it just felt a little out of place to be listening to hipster country music in Chile. Right? We walked back to the watering hole (fitting with all the horse references…) where I could hear the twinkly echoes of the opening to “Funeral” concluding their set. Oh how that song reminds me of many a mental breakdown…

While we sat in the much appreciated shade, I busted out my giant Chilean avocado I had bought at a fruit stand before coming. It has always been my dream to eat a real Chilean avocado in Chile. Don’t ask why. It’s an avocado thing…And while it was delicious, it had a bit of a strange flavor and kick to it. It was almost like it was infused with Sprite…That’s the only way I can describe it. By the latter portion of the fruit, I couldn’t eat it because it was a little too tangy for me and got a little hot on my tongue. What??? I’ll stick with the imported ones now that I know that there’s not some grand difference and I actually don’t prefer the native fruits…

Still hungry and waiting for more, Ryan went to get some ice cream. I hadn’t bought any tickets (the currency at Lollapalooza) but I waited in line with him. The woman working at the stand thought that instead of ordering a double scoop, he was ordering double cones, one for me one for him (does everybody think we’re dating just because we’re hanging out? More evidence that guy-girl relationships don’t exist here if there’s not something more going on…). We realized the mistake when she handed over two cones, but didn’t care. Ryan, in his Ryanesque Spanish said “Estás feliz para la manzana!?” (because we ordered an apple strudel flavored ice cream) and the woman gave him a strange look which only made us laugh harder about everything.

This set a good tone for TV on the Radio. I hadn’t listened to them since high school with Return to Cookie Mountain, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I immediately remembered why I loved them those 4 years ago. Nothing bad can be said about a band whose lead singer is black (thereby giving him access to an excellent falsetto as well as Barry White lowwwwwww) supported by a horn section. Their set might have been my favorite of the festival because not only did they speak the best Spanish, but they just had such an energetic, fun air about themselves. Even though I didn’t recognize most of the songs, I felt like I did and wanted to get their latest album after they ended.

Next was MGMT, who apparently sucks live—but I like MGMT. They’ve narrated my college years from time to time and I have many a good memory with their songs emanating from the background. But the problem is that live, they don’t convey those good times very well. While their lead singer has a cute little head, he’s a little awkward…And where is the volume on that synth!? You can’t play electronic music like that and do a mellow acoustic set. I’m not saying they’re hard. But they’re harder than acoustic on most songs…So MGMT, I like you, but only when you’re blasting from frat speakers. That’s a little embarrassing to admit…

After hearing all the songs I needed from MGMT (and feeling a little sleepy) I decided to go to Skrillex. Skrillex is a complicated issue for me because as a fan of electronic music (including dubstep) I get irritated that he overshadows the whole genre. I stopped caring about the classifications of electronic music (i/e: what is/isn’t dubstep) because there’s so many branches and it’s a stupid argument to get in where everybody tries to look like a much bigger original superfan over everyone else. Listen to what you like. Yeah, I know Skrillex isn’t a “real DJ”, but he sure knows how to draw a crowd, so maybe just call him an entertainer instead. Because people were going absolutely mad during his set. In addition to the fact that that was the most packed that little indoor arena had been all throughout the festival. I was relieved to be moving around after MGMT’s snoozy set. But my favorite part? When he yelled “SANTIAGOOOOO!!!” because I could hear his From First to Last voice and thought immediately back to 9th grade. “Your name might be Skrillex”, but Sonny Moore is still in there somewhere and you KNOW it…

Be careful, Skrillex. The internet doesn't always like you so much.

After that, I lost 10 pounds in sweat and was rendered virtually deaf so Ryan and I decided Foo Fighters wasn’t really worth it. We’d had our fill. Especially considering between the 2 of us we knew maybe 3 FF songs well enough. Plus there were more than enough fans there to show their support…And yes, Dave Grohl, you’re pretty cool, but I don’t think I can handle you telling me that for 2.5 hours. For the first part of your career, you were “the other guy in Nirvana”. I mean, it’s better than “the other OTHER guy in Nirvana”. What the deuce happened to THAT guy?

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