Monday, June 18, 2012

Iguazú falls

Saturday, May 19th, 2012
Really, I can’t even describe Iguazú falls, so here’s some photos because if you can’t see them in person and feel the mist and the heat, a description means nothing.

 Not even at the falls' best viewpoint yet...

 World's cutest animal: the coati--guard your snacks!!

 Hello waterfall!

 La garganta del diablo--picture does it no justice
Perfect day

But something stopped me from ever shutting my eyes—the scenery. Trees were rushing by at more than 100 kmph in the slowly setting rays of the sun so I couldn’t really ever capture a great photo, but for the next 3 hours, I felt like I was staring into one of the best kept secrets on earth. I wanted to run off the bus and just keep running into the infinite landscape of every tree imaginable. Every hill was a new surprise and when we turned every cover, it was like pulling back more wrapping paper into the view. It was the definition of nature, tranquility and landscape. Maybe it even rivaled the falls…

After sundown, I was totally passed out and starving (doesn’t matter where you are—you’re still human). We showed up just a little late for dinner and the only seats left were with our program staff, but being that they’re 2 20-something porteñas, it was actually probably one of the best seats. I’ve been really impressed with how personable the staff at ISA is. I don’t wanna sound like a commercial, but the staff is great. In addition to helping us with our grammar, we were cracking jokes, calling each other fat and reveling in all that it is to share food with people in the Spanish-speaking world. Eating in the US is just pathetic compared to this. 

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