Monday, June 18, 2012

An Afternoon in Paradise

Sunday, May 20th, 2012
Once again, we were off on another bus and on our way to the Jesuit mission ruins of San Ignacio from the 1600s. They were designed for the Guaraníes to “civilize” them and of course introduce them to the best thing ever! Western religion!!! Not. The ruins are beautiful, but represent something that should be decaying. I’m not saying I want to live the Guaraní lifestyle, but I’m sure they wanted to live that way. The Jesuits at least allowed them to be educated and didn’t just slaughter them as the future waves of Europeans did, but still they started the subjugation trend—although the Spanish crown later denied their presence because they weren’t subjugating them enough…but enough about my anti-colonial musings.

My camera battery managed to run out just as we arrived, so I was unable to document the beauty and vivid red stones that made up the ruins other than this:

Being that European history/religion are my least favorite topics, I paid little attention during the tour and focused on the sights. And even though it was extraordinary, I was kind of up and at it to head out to our next chunk of paradise at La Chacrita, which is a mate and tea plantation that also has accommodations for travelers, as well as an endless supply of citrus, tea, relaxation and trees. It was here that I had a true “I don’t want to leave. Ever.” moment. I fell in love with Argentina again that day and could only wonder if things like this are hiding amongst the trees, what else in the world is…? 

Our bubbly tour guide showing us the proper mate technique

Thank god Melanie had an extra camera battery so I could even attempt to capture the beauty. But once again, no camera setting would really do for how incredible everything was. As for how it sounded--it was like listening to earth breathing. Even walking away from the main house area for one minute and I was in my own space, free from any single other person or stressor on earth. Plus, knowing I was surrounded by my two favorite beverages (tea and mate) (and some cacti peppered in the aisles too) made me feel even more at peace. It was nirvana simply by existing in this space.

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